Wednesday, September 09, 2009

WhoRunsGov uses "moderated" wikis to profile Washington's political elite

Despite all of the doom and gloom surrounding the newspaper industry, it's interesting to see how some of the more adventurous players are experimenting with online media. The Washington Post has been a leader in this regard, and this week launched as a "moderated wiki" to build profiles of Washington’s political power brokers and track their support for issues dominating the political and legislative agendas.

The key concept here is "moderated" – understandable when one considers the disaster that befell the LA Times "Wikitorial" after just one day online.

However, what I find to be really remarkable about the new WaPo effort is's open appeal to insiders to contribute to the wikis -- "Whether you're a policymaker, Hill staffer, or an interested citizen, share your knowledge by creating or adding to our profiles of over 700 people in the federal government," urges the site. Whether it results in real insider information, as opposed to loads of vitriol and K Street-style astroturfing and hot air, remains to be seen.

Sources:, The LA Times, CNet, Wikipedia, Washington Post Media press release

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